19 June 2011

Is Calling Oneself a Salafi is a Blameworthy ‘Tazkiyah’ of Oneself

And this doubt has been answered by our Mashaayikh: Allaamah, ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baz – the [former] mufti of Saudi Arabia was asked: What do you say about the one who calls himself ‘Salafi’ or ‘Athari’? Is this is a tazkiyah (purification) of his own self? So he replied – may Allaah have mercy upon him – “When he is being truthful [in his claim] that he is Salafi or Athari then there is not harm in that, [this is] similar to what the Salaf used to say, ‘So and so is a Salafi’, ‘So and so is Athari’. This is a tazkiyah (commendation) which is necessary, a tazkiyah that is obligatory.” (Cassette: Haqq ul-Muslim 16/1/1413 Ta’if)

Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan was asked “Is the one who gives himself the title of ‘as-Salafi’ considered to have set up a ‘hizb’?”. To which he replied,  “There is no harm in labelling oneself with Salafiyyah when it is in truth. However, if it is merely a claim then it is not permissible to label oneself with Salafiyyah, whilst one is upon a manhaj other than that of the Salaf.” (Al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah p.16)

Taken from www.spubs.com


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