28 February 2011

The True Meaning of Jamaa’ah

قال الإمام ابن القيم في كتابه : إغاثة اللهفان من مصايد الشيطان


الباب العاشر: في علامات مرض القلب و صحته

Imam Ibnul Qayyim said in his book Help for the Sorrowful from the Traps of Shaytaan in the tenth chapter ( Signs of the sicknesses of the heart and its cure) p.69-70

و ما أحسن ما قال أبو محمد عبد الرحمن إسماعيل المعروف بأبي شامة في كتاب الحوادث و البدع

“And how excellent is what Abu Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahman Isma’il al-Ma’roof said to Abee Shaamah in the book Al-Hawaadith wal-Bid’:

حيث جاء به الأمر بلزوم الجماعة فالمراد به لزوم الحق و اتباعه و إن كان المتمسك به قليلا و المخالف له كثيرا

“‘When the command came to stick to the Jamaa’ah, then what was intended (by jamaa’ah) was sticking to the truth and following it, even if those doing so were few and those opposing the truth were many’

لأن الحق هو الذي كانت عليه الجماعة الأولى من عهد النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم و أصحابه، و لا نظر إلى كثرة أهل الباطل بعدهم

“Because the truth is what the first Jamaa’ah was upon in the time of the Prophet – peace and blessings of The Most High be upon him and his Companions – no consideration is given to the large number of the people of falsehood after them.

قال عمرو بن ميمون الأودى

“‘Amr ibn Maymoon al-Awdaa said:

صحبت معاذا باليمن. فما فارقته حتى واريته في التراب بالشام، ثم صحبت بعده أفقه الناس عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه

“‘I accompanied Mu’aadh (ibn Jabal) in Yemen. I never parted from him until I helped bury him in Shaam (modern day Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan). Then I accompanied the most knowledgeable of mankind after him – ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ood – Allah be pleased with him.

فسمعته يقول: عليكم بالجماعة، فإن يد الله على الجماعة

“‘I heard him say: “It is upon you to stick to the Jamaa’ah, because indeed the Hand of Allah is over the Jamaa’ah”

ثم سمعته يوما من الأيام يقول

سيَلَيِ عليكم وُلاة يأخّرون الصلاة عن مواقيتها، فصلُّوا الصلاة لميقاتها، فهي الفريضة، و صلوا معهم فإنها لكم نافلة

“‘Then I heard him one day say: “There will rule over you rulers who delay the obligatory salaah from their proper times. So pray the salah on time (by yourselves) – that is your obligatory prayer. And pray the salah with them (when they delay the obligatory prayers) – and this will be extra (naafilah) for you.”

قال قلت: “يا أصحاب محمد ما أدري ما تحدثونا؟” قال: “و ما ذاك؟” قلت: “تأمرني بالجماعةو تحضني عليها ثم تقول

“صلِ الصلاة وحدك، و هي الفريضة، و صلِ مع الجماعة و هي النافلة؟

“(‘Amr) said: ‘I said: “O Companions of Muhammad! I don’t understand what you are telling us?!” (Abdullah bin Mas’ood) said: “And what is that?” I said: “You command me to stick to the Jamaa’ah and you encourage me upon that, then you say: ‘Pray the salah by yourself – and that is your obligatory prayer, and pray with the Jamaa’ah – and that is extra for you?!”

قال: “يا عمرو بن ميمون، قد كنت أظنك من أفقه أهل هذه القرية، تدري ما الجماعة؟” قلت: لا

“‘(‘Abdullah bin Mas’ood) said: “O ‘Amr bin Maymoon! I considered you to be the most knowledgeable of the people in this area. Do you know what is the Jamaa’ah?” I said: “No”

قال: إن جمهور الجماعة: الذين فارقوا الجماعة. الجماعة ما وافق الحق، و إن كنت وحدك

“‘Abdullah bin Mas’ood said: “Indeed the majority of the Jamaa’ah (people) are those who have split from the Jamaa’ah. The Jamaa’ah is what agrees with the truth – even if you are by yourself”

و في طريق أخرى: فضرب على فخذي و قال: ويحك، إن جمهور الناس فارقوا الجماعة. و إن الجماعة ما وافق طاعة الله عز و جل

And in a different narration: “So he hit my thigh and said: ‘Woe to you! Indeed the majority of the people have split from the Jamaa’ah. Indeed the Jamaa’ah is what agrees with the obedience to Allah, Exalted and Mighty is He.”

قال نعيم بن حماد “يعني إذا فسدت الجماعة فعليك بما كانت عليه الجماعة قبل أن تفسد، و إن كنت وحدك، فإنك أنت الجماعة حينئذ” ذكره البيهقي و غيره

Nu’aym bin Hammaad said: “Meaning, when the Jamaa’ah becomes corrupt, then it is upon you to be upon what the Jamaa’ah was upon before it became corrupt, even if you are by yourself, in that case you are the Jamaa’ah” al-Bayhaqee and other than him mentioned it.


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