31 December 2010

Congratulations on the new year or the occasion of Mawlid

Fatwa no. 20795
Q 1: Is it permissible to congratulate non-Muslims on the occasion of the new Gregorian year, the new Hijri (lunar) year, and the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday)?
A: It is not permissible to offer congratulations on such occasions; for it is not Mashru‘ (Islamically permissible) to celebrate them.
May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Member: Bakr Abu Zayd
Member: Salih Al-Fawzan
Member: `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Chairman :`Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah Al Al-Shaykh


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