17 July 2010

Powerful advice to those who write online

Translated by:
Akram an-Najdee

Who is Shaykh Aboo Maalik al-Juhanee?
He is Shaykh Aboo Maalik 'Abdul-Hameed bin Khaliwy al-Juhanee
Ar-Rifaa'ee, Imaam and Khateeb Masjid 'Umar bin al-Khattaab in Yanbu',
Saudi Arabia and is in charge of Daarul Hadeeth in that area and is a
member (and a Da'ee) of the Ministry of Awqaaf and Da'wah wal Irshaad.
Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan Muhiyyuddeen advised students to learn from the
Shaykh. Likewise Shaykh Saaleh as-Suhaymee has praised the Shaykh for
his efforts and knowledge. A number of 'Ulemaa have also praised and
recommended the Shaykh.

The Advice:
The Shaykh – May Allaah Preserve Him – said:

The intent is that people should have with them some understanding,
because the sins of the tongue are dangerous. By Allaah, this is the
problem with the righteous. This is the problem with the students of
knowledge today, sins of the tongue. If you enter the Internet and
looked at some of the sites and what it contains of the arguments,
refutations, and altercations then you will know that this is the sins
of the students of knowledge, the righteous, and the ascetics today.
The religious people, Yaa Jamaa'ah (addressing the attendees), do not
fornicate, consume alcohol, and oppress. However, come and see. Come
and see the insulting, cursing, false accusations, and bad suspicions.

Such that the speech reached the scholars, until these accusations
undermined and affected even the People of Knowledge. Then it came to
one of the scholars or one of the Callers (Du'aat) who are known with
the Sunnah and holding fast to the Sunnah, and Da'wah (calling) to the
Manhaj (methodology) of the Salaf and made apparent his mistakes in
debates. Then if they show him five or six or seven mistakes no one
recognizes them. If we want to follow any scholar from the scholars,
we find with him lapses and mistakes.

However Allaah has ordered with covering the mistakes and we cover the
mistakes of our brothers from Ahlus Sunnah. They are our brothers in
Beliefs. They are our brothers in Manhaj (methodology). We cover up
for them and we advise them. Not what has come from this methodology
now, they come to a scholar from amongst the scholars because he
refuted them, for example, or advised them in something. They search
in his tapes and his books and find 10 or 20 mistakes and they publish
it. Look how: "Look at so-and-so he curses the angels, so-and-so
curses the Companions" Ya Jamaa'ah (addressing the attendees) what is
this? Is this Khomaini or who? Who is this one who is cursing the
Dhaat of Allaah, cursing the Angels, cursing the Companions, and
cursing the Salaf and he says the Messenger fell short of the
foundations of the religion and he says this and that!? ALLAAH!! (in
amazement of what they say). Is this Khomeini or who?

They say, "No this is Shaykh so-and-so." When you are affected by
surprise and shock do you not fear Allaah! This person is a scholar, a
person known with Sunnah and aiding the Sunnah. How can you say about
him that he curses the Angels and he curses the Sahaabah and he curses
… what is this talk? The reality is there is no apprehension. By
Allaah! By Allaah if people fornicate, it is easier than if they
insult the honor a scholar from amongst the scholars who are known
with advice for Allaah and His Messenger and His Book and His
religion! How can you degrade in this matter? We ask Allaah for
protection. But this trial now, you find a righteous man and his thobe
(clothing worn by Arabs) is short (not falling below his ankles) and
his beard is long and he prays in the first row and he loves the
Sunnah. And his tongue is like a saw in the dignity of the people and
in the dignity of the People of Knowledge. Laa Hawla wa Laa Quwaata
Illaa Billaah (لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله). He claims he is defending
the Sunnah and defending… He should Fear Allaah! He should Fear
Allaah. Right now what has come from speaking about the People of
Innovation, right now what has come from speaking about the people of
innovation and the people of Sunnah are together. Right now the people
of the Internet, honestly who do those people respect? I just want to
know. Those people who speak in those websites have not left anyone.
They disparaged Shaykh Ibn Baaz, They disparaged the Shaykh… even
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, and they disparaged Shaykh al-Albaanee, Shaykh
Rabee', they disparaged Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee, and they
insulted Shaykh al-'Abbaad. They insulted the living and the dead, who
do you have with you? They severely insulted these noble scholars
wallaahul Musta'aan (And Allaah is the Helper). We are not saying that
they are infallible, there is no one who does not have any mistakes.
There is no one who is infallible except the Prophet – salallaahu
alaihi wa salam -. If they were to follow Ibn Taymiyyah they would
find something with him. So why do they specify this? This is from the
sins of the tongue; people who are apprehensive should suffice their
tongues (with silence).

And then what do you have with you of knowledge? What knowledge do you
have to enter yourself into this chapter, the chapter of Jarh wa
Ta'deel (disparagement and praise). The chapter of criticism and
praise is dangerous, it is for the people of Knowledge, the advisors,
the intelligent ones, the ones who are apprehensive, those who fear
Allaah. You entered this door and this was the first chapter of
knowledge that you entered. You did not study 'Aqeedah (beliefs), you
did not study Tahaarah (purity), you did not study Salaah (prayer),
you did not study Zakaat (charity), you did not study knowledge of
understanding the Hadeeth.

By Allaah, some of the brothers from the students of knowledge were
telling me that in Europe some of the youth just recently they were
disbelievers, disbelievers. But now they are from the scholars of
criticisms and praise. Meaning, recently they were disbelievers and
now they are disparaging, praising, and criticizing. Okay… you, O
Miskeen (poor in knowledge), who taught you this? You have to study
the beliefs of Islaam first and take from the senior students of
knowledge and the People of Knowledge. When you are qualified and
established your feet in knowledge, then after that you can look at
criticism and praise. However they have a great defect in Manhaj
(methodology). Chaos, By Allaah, Chaos … chaos these days!!

Everyone praises and everyone criticizes wallaahul Musta'aan. So Fear
Allaah, those who generally speak in criticism and praise. Withhold,
refrain, slow down, do not be hasty, do not be hasty in this dangerous
chapter. You are now standing on the brink of Hell so have with you
some evidence. If you speak about a person or refute a person or warn
from a person then you should have with you some proof. Until Allaah
–Subhaanahu wa ta'aala- asks you to prove it. But in fact the issue is
like the racism of Jaahiliyyah (Pre-Islaamic ignorance). This one
speaks about our Shaykh so we'll speak about his Shaykh, etc from the
bickering and insults. Strange, until the People of innovation gloat
over us and the Hizbees (partisans) gloat over us in every place. Such
that one of the heads from the heads of the Hizbees in this country
(Saudi Arabia) said that Salafiyyah divided itself. No, By Allaah! By
Allaah, Salafiyyah has not divided itself and it will not divide by
the permission of Allaah. However this is recklessness we are tested
with. Impudence with some of the people that we are tested with,
wallaahul Musta'aan.

A part of the class on 'Uddattus Saabireen, Tape 11, minute 25:30


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