05 July 2010
The Difference between Aqeedah and Tawheed
In the name of Allah. The One who sent His final messenger with light to help the blind to see. The One who there is absolutely no deity worthy of worship but Him. Peace and blessing be upon His final messenger, his family, his companions and whoever follows their way. The following was taken from “ Idmanut Turruq lee Ma’rifatil Furuq” this book was written by Abu Ammar Yasir Al-Adenee. Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajooree(may Allah preserve him)said “ Yasir Al-Adenee is a teacher and preacher. He currently resides in Hadramout. He has published a book titled” Hedieya fee Tarteeb Faw’id Beedieyah wa Neehiya”. Taken from At-Taabaqat on page 65.
Tawheed calls for the belief in Allah, the Books, Messengers, Angels, the Last Day and the Qadr .
‘Aqeedah is more general and has more detail in its subject than Tawheed does.
Tawheed affirms facts by proof only.
While ‘Aqeedah affirms Tawheed, refutes doubtful issues, sheds light on the misguided ideologies’ claims, and disputes with the other religions and sects.
(end of definition from Idmanut Turruq)
Extra point of benefit.
*The Salaf used to use the word Sunnah or Sharee’ah as a synonym with ‘Aqeedah. We find books written by great Imams that explain the ‘Aqeedah of Ahulus Sunnah wa Jama’ah. Here are just a few books that establish this point;
1. Usulus Sunnah by Al-Humaydee 219 H
2. As-Sunnah by Abdullah ibn Ahmed ibn Hanbal 290 H
3. Sharus Sunnah by Al-Muzanee 264 H
4. As-Sunnah by Ibn Abee ‘As-sim 287 H
5. As-Sunnah by Al-Murwazee 294 H
6. As-Sunnah by Al-Khalal 311 H
7. Sharus Sunnah By Imam Al-Barbaharee 329 H
8. Usul As-Sunnah by Ibn Abee Zamaneen 399 H
9. As-Sharee’ah Imam Al-Ajuree 360 H
Translated by:Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle,Doha, Qatar 13/5/1429
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