21 August 2011

The Categories of People Concerning Hijrah

Guiding the Best of people to the Obligation of making Hijrah from the Lands of the Disbelievers

By: Abu Amr Abdul-Kareem Al-Hajooree

Al-Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisee said in Al-Mughnee volume 13 page 151 so the people concerning Hijrah are three categories:

! The first is he who it is incumbent upon and he is the one who is able to do it and it is not possible for him to openly perform his religion or it is not possible for him to perform the obligatory aspect of his religion while residing amongst the disbelievers. So the Hijrah is incumbent upon him because of the statement of Allah: “Verily, as for those whom the angels take (in death) while they are wronging themselves they say, “In what condition were you?” They reply, “We were weak and oppressed on earth” They say, “Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?” Those will find their abode in Hell and what an evil destination” An-Nisaa: 97 And this is a severe threat that points to it being obligatory. Also, because performing the obligatory aspects of the religion is obligatory upon he who is able to do it and Hijrah is from the inevitable aspects of the obligation and that which makes it be accomplished, and that which the obligation.

! The seconds the one who there is no Hijrah upon him and he is the one who is not able to do it whether it be because of an illness or being forced to reside or the weakness of women and children and the likes of them. This one, there is no Hijrah upon him because of the statement of Allah I: “Except the weak ones among men, women and children who cannot devise a plan, nor are they able to able to direct their way. For these there is hope that Allah will forgive them, and Allah is Ever Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.” An-Nisaa: 98-99 And it is not described as being recommended because it is something not capable of being done.

! The third is the one who it is recommended for him and it is not obligatory upon him and he is the one who is capable of doing it, however he is able to openly perform his religion while residing in the land of disbelief. It is recommended for him so he can have the ability to fight them, and increase the masses of the Muslims and help them and free himself from increasing the masses of the disbelievers and mixing with them and witnessing abominations amongst them. And it is not obligatory upon him because it is possible for him to perform his religion without making Hijrah.”

Taken from pages115-117

"So let my enemies say what they will for my sins are many and perhaps because of their backbiting and slander my sins will be lightened and instead fall upon their shoulders."---Muqbil Ibn Hadi Al-Wadi'ee(Rahimahullaah)


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