17 June 2012
The Rights of The (Upright) Scholars and Teachers
They [i.e. (the upright) scholars and teachers] are the mediators between the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and his Ummah with regards to propagation of his religion and clarification of his sharee-ah. Had it not been for these ones, the people would have been like cattle. Their rights are greater than the rights of the fathers and the mothers; for indeed they nurture the souls and hearts of the slaves upon the beneficial sciences and sound knowledge. They are the ones who guide the Ummah in the fundamental and subsidiary affairs of their Religion. They return them to the rulings pertaining to the rights and dealings that are incumbent upon a person to fulfil, just as they return them to the affairs pertaining to affairs of worship.
The Rights of The (Upright) Scholars and Teachers
16 June 2012
Rinsing out the mouth and nose while fasting
If the fasting person rinses his mouth or nose out, and some water reaches his stomach, does this break his fast?
If the fasting person rinses out his mouth or nose, and some water enters into his stomach then it does not break his fast. This is because he did not mean for it to happen. Allah said in the Quran {There is no sin upon you for what you have done in error, but rather that which your heart has intended} (33:5).
[Taken from Fatawah Arkan al Islam by Sheikh Uthaimeen]
[Translated by Abu Abdillah Abdul Lateef]
Rinsing out the mouth and nose while fasting
17 May 2012
Saying “In shaa Allaah” keeps us from lying!
Some of the scholars (like al-Qurtubee) mentioned that if we say something about the future (like “I am going to Makkah”) without adding in shaa’ Allaah, and it turns our that we changed our plans or were prevented and ended up not going – that we would be liars (with regard to that report), since we have reported something that was in contradiction to the actual reality (which is the definition of a kathib)!
Saying “In shaa Allaah” keeps us from lying!
06 May 2012
Eating while standing
Eating while standing
22 February 2012
Fathers whose Children will Intercede for Them on the Day of Judgement
Questioner: What kind of intercession is it that a child will do for his father when his father was someone who had given an aqiqah on behalf of that child? [The Aqiqah being the Sunnah of sacrificing two sheep for the new-born boy and one for the girl]
Al-Albaani: It is known in many hadiths that on the Day of Resurrection there will be young children standing at the gate of Paradise, crying and asking for their fathers. So Allaah the Blessed and Most High will send Jibreel عليه السلام to ask them why they are crying–even though He the Blessed and Most High knows better about them–so Jibreel عليه السلام will ask them and they will reply, saying, ‘We will not enter Paradise except that our fathers are with us.’ So the Lord of the Worlds will give permission to them and their fathers to enter Paradise.
Fathers whose Children will Intercede for Them on the Day of Judgement
18 February 2012
“Say, ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah!’” Instead he said, “King! Rook! Checkmate!”
Ibn al-Qayyim said, “So it may become impossible for him to pronounce the shahaadah, as many people have witnessed happen to those on the deathbed, such that it was said to some of them:
“Say Laa ilaaha illallaah.” So he replied, “Aaah! Aaah! I cannot say it!”
And it was said to another, “Say Laa ilaaha illallaah.” So he replied, “King! Rook! Checkmate!” and then he passed away.
“Say, ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah!’” Instead he said, “King! Rook! Checkmate!”
14 February 2012
The Government of Tawheed and Sunnah-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
Shaikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bin Saalim Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him) quoted Shaikh Saaleh Al-Luhaydaan (may Allaah preserve him) who said:
This country is the heart of Islaam and its sanctuary. It has been blessed with many affairs of peace and security whose match is not found in the world. There is no doubt that it is unrestrictedly the best of governments in this world.
The Government of Tawheed and Sunnah-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
12 February 2012
Golden Words Upon Golden Words... For Every Muslim.
"May Allah have mercy upon you! Examine carefully the speech of everyone you hear from in your time particularly. So do not act in haste and do not enter into anything from it until you ask and see: Did any of the Companions of the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wassallam, soeak about it, or did any of the scholars? So if you find a narration from them about it, cling to it, do not go beyond it for anything and do not give precedence to anything over it and thus fall into the Fire."
Explanation by Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzan hafithahullah:
Golden Words Upon Golden Words... For Every Muslim.
Valentines Day - An innovation, An extremism and a contradiction
In the recent times there has spread the celebrating of ‘Eid ul-Hubb (Valentine’s Day) – particularly among the female students. And it is a holiday from the holidays of the Christians, and the clothing will be completely in red garments and shoes, and they exchange red flowers with each other. We hope from your eminence an explanation of the ruling of celebrating the likes of this holiday. What is your advice to Muslims regarding the likes of these affairs, and may Allaah preserve you and protect you?
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Giver of Mercy
Valentines Day - An innovation, An extremism and a contradiction
04 February 2012
The Living Scholar Saalih Fawzaan
A brief biography of the Shaikh, the Allaamah, Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan
His lineage:
He is the Noble Shaikh, the Doctor: Saalih bin Fawzaan bin Abdullah, from the people of ash Shamaasiyyah and al Wadaa’een, from the tribe of ad Dawaasir
His upbringing and studies:
He was born in the year 1354 Hijree (calendar) and his father died when he was young, so he was raised by his family. He learned the Noble Qur’an, reading, and writing from the Imam of the Masjid in his area who was a skillful reciter and the Noble Shaikh: Hamood bin Sulaymaan at Tilaal – who was later appointed judge in the town Dariyah in the area of Qaseem.
The Living Scholar Saalih Fawzaan
01 February 2012
Al-Albaani asked about Maududi and Salmaan and his advice to the Youth | 1
Questioner: There is a question, O Shaikh. What do you say about someone who has opposed the Imaams of Islaam in a particular issue which they have united upon and the proof has been established against him but he does not turn back, rather, add to that the fact that he praises some of the Sufis and mufawwidah, praised the one who goes by the saying of Jahm regarding the Quraan and slanders some of the Companions, in fact, some of the Messengers, calling them Imaams and harsh. In fact, he praises some of the heretics who have permitted apostasy and have vilified the aqidah and the Prophet عليه السلام and the Companions and the People of Hadith, and says that there is a lot of good in them, and calls their aberrations and misguidance ijtihaad, saying, “… even though we are wary of some of their ijtihaad …” So is such a person an innovator and should we single him out and say that so and so is an innovator to warn the Ummah and out of sincerity to Allaah, His Book, His Prophet, the Imaams of the Muslims and their general folk?
Al-Albaani asked about Maududi and Salmaan and his advice to the Youth | 1
27 January 2012
Correct order of supplications after prayer, and are they to be said out loud or silently?
After the prayer, what is the proper order to do the following things, and are they to be done out loud or silently?
* supplications from the Sunnah
* phrases of remembrence (ath-kaar)
* recitation of the last three soorahs of the Qur'aan
* recitation of Aayah Al-Kursee
ANSWER by Shaykh Muhammad 'Umar Baazmool, instructor at Umm Al-Quraa University in Makkah
What seems to be the proper order for these things is as follows:
1) When the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) finished his prayers, he started with his saying of "Astagh-firullaah" three times. [1]
2) Then he would say "Allaahumma antas-Salaamu wa minkas-Salaam, tabaarakta yaa thal-jalaali wal-ikraam." [2]
3) Then he would say the other reported supplications, like, "Laa ilaaha ill Allaah wa laa na'budu illaa iyyaah..." [3]
4) Then he would commence making the tasbeehs, saying, "sub-haan Allaah," "al-hamdu lillaah," and "Allaahu akbar," 33 times each. [4]
5) Then he would recite Aayah Al-Kursee, as it is what has been reported that he (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) used to recite after each prayer. [5]
As for the recitation of Soorah Al-Ikhlaas, Soorah Al-Falaq, and Soorah An-Naas, then they are to be recited in the morning and in the evening only. It has not been authentically narrated, to the best of my knowledge, that they were recited after each prayer, and Allaah knows best. [6]
And as for the question, "Are these things to be said out loud or quietly?" It has been authentically reported from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), as Al-Bukhaaree reported [7], that he said they used to know when the Messenger's prayer (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) was over due to the voices of the Companions making takbeer, meaning the supplications after the prayer.
Imaam Ash-Shaafi'ee, may Allaah have Mercy on him, said that this raising of their voices with takbeer after the prayer was only done sometimes, not always, and it was done to teach the people. Imaam Ash-Shaafi'ee had warned that it is not for the Muslims to raise their voices with these phrases of thikr and supplications, unless there is a need to teach them to the people. If the people are not in need of learning them, then the norm is that a person does not raise his voice, rather he says these things in a silent way so that he himself hears them, and Allaah knows best.
[1] Saheeh Muslim #1333 (3/92 of Sharh An-Nawawee) and Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmithee #300 (1/176)
[2] Saheeh Muslim #1334 (3/92 of Sharh An-Nawawee) and Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmithee #298 (1/175)
[3] Saheeh Muslim #1342 (3/94 of Sharh An-Nawawee)
[4] Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree #843 (2/397-398 of Fat-hul-Baaree) and Saheeh Muslim #1346 (3/95 of Sharh An-Nawawee)
[5] This is based on the hadeeth: "Whoever reads Aayah Al-Kursee after each obligatory prayer, nothing will prevent him from going to Paradise except that he must die." It was collected by An-Nasaa'ee in As-Sunan Al-Kubraa #9848 (9/44 of the 1421 Mu'as-sasatur-Risaalah printing), on the authority of Aboo Umaamah. Al-Albaanee gathered and discussed its numerous chains, declaring the hadeeth to be authentic in Silsilatul-Ahaadeethis-Saheehah #972.
[6] Imaam Ahmad collected a narration mentioning that 'Uqbah ibn 'Aamir (may Allaah be pleased with him) was ordered by the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) to recite the mu'awwithaat (the last three soorahs of the Qur'aan: Ikhlaas, Falaq, and Naas) after each prayer. It is #17417 in the Musnad (28/633 of Ar-Risaalah), and Al-Albaanee declared it to be authentic in his checking of Shaykh Al-Islaam's Al-Kalim At-Tayyib (p.114).
[7] Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree #841 (2/395-396 of Fat-hul-Baaree)
This was translated exclusively for www.bakkah.net from a cassette recording with the knowledge and permission of the shaykh, file no. AAMB032, dated 1423/7/25.
Source: http://bakkah.net/interactive/q&a/aamb032.htm
Correct order of supplications after prayer, and are they to be said out loud or silently?
26 January 2012
Rectify what remains of your life
20 January 2012
Sperm is Pure
18 January 2012
Feeling the Heat? It’s a Reminder of the Hellfire
Another thing this heat should remind us of is the Hellfire and its blazing heat. So listen to this translated khutbah by Shaykh Abdul Razzaq al Badr hafidahullah.
Summer Heat Reminder of the Hellfire
Feeling the Heat? It’s a Reminder of the Hellfire
15 January 2012
A Hardly Spoken about Sunnah – Prayer between Maghrib and Isha
فَصَلَّيْتُ مَعَهُ الْمَغْرِبَ فَلَمَّا قَضَى الصَّلاَةَ قَامَ يُصَلِّى فَلَمْ يَزَلْ يُصَلِّى حَتَّى صَلَّى الْعِشَاءَ ثُمَّ خَرَجَ .
Huthayfah ibn Yaaman (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“ I prayed Maghrib with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and when he finished he stood up and prayed. He continued to pray until Isha. Then he left. “
Collected by Ahmed in his Musnad 5/392 and Tirmithi in his Sunnan 3781.Shaykh Al-Albani graded this hadeeth as being Saheeh.
Benefits for this subject:
Shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammed Al-Madkhalee (may Allah preserve and protect him) commented on this subject in his book titled “Al-Afnanu Nadeeya “. Al-Afnanu Nadeeya is an explanation for a fiqh poem that Hafith Al-Hakeemee (may Allah have mercy on him) wrote. Hafith Al-Hakeemee acknowledged this prayer as being a sunnah.
Shaykh Zayd wrote that among the prayers which are recommended to perform, but aren’t stressed is the prayer between Maghrib and Isha. It’s recommended as it has a great reward in performing it.
There has been verses and athar which support and explain the virtue in praying at this time. One narration is reported from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) He commented on the verse “They used to sleep but little by night [invoking their Lord (Allah) and praying, with fear and hope].”[ Adh-Dhariyat 17] Anas said : The companions used to pray between Maghrib and Isha.” [Abu Dawud 1322 Al-Iraqee graded the isnad as being authentic.]
In another narration Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said the same thing about the verse "Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (charity in Allah's Cause) out of what We have bestowed on them " [ As-Sajdah 16]
This prayer has been established in the Sunnah. Many of the companions used to practice it. Companions like Ibn Abbaas , Ibn Mas’ud, Ibn Umar, Anas ibn Malik, and Salman (may Allah be pleased with them all).
The Tabee’oon used to practice this Sunnah as well. Tabee’oon like Al-Aswad ibn Yazeed, Abu Uthman An-Nahdee, and Sa’eed ibn Jubair.. And from the Imams who prayed during this hour was Sufyan Ath-Thawri.
These verses, their meanings, Hadeeth and acts of the Salaf encourage and guide people to offer many supererogatory prayers between Maghrib and Isha. [Al-Afnanu Nadeeya vol 2 page 187]
Translated and compiled by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont Battle Jr.
A Hardly Spoken about Sunnah – Prayer between Maghrib and Isha
12 January 2012
Attending wedding parties which involve some evils
1- Is it permissible to attend and accept invitations to these occasions?
2- As 99% of these events are not free of songs, especially those that are accompanied by haraam musical instruments or indecent words, does this mean that we should have nothing to do with them and not attend any such occasions?
3- If we do not attend these parties, does that mean we are severing the ties of kinship, cutting ourselves off from people and causing enmity between us and them?
4- The scholars have stipulated that if we attend these celebrations we must denounce what goes on, but such denunciations receive no response and there is no real opportunity at such times which they claim are times of joy.
Attending wedding parties which involve some evils
05 January 2012
anasheed ("Islamic" Songs)
01 January 2012
The Effect of Shyness upon Finding a Good Husband Oh Muslim Sister!
All praises belong to Allaah may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family, companions and those who follow his guidance.
In an effort to find a suitable spouse some of our Muslim sisters often resort to impermissible, demeaning methods such as free-mixing with men via the internet, chat rooms, marriage websites, social networks, sending pictures and the like.
The Effect of Shyness upon Finding a Good Husband Oh Muslim Sister!